Why should you practice self-care?
All the side hustling, productivity, and motivations on the internet are giving you the impression that “the more work you do, the better”.
At the end of the day, when you can’t achieve as much as other people, you feel crashed and burnt out.
You question why things don’t work out as you expected. You think maybe you don’t have much willpower.
Worse, you may think you’re incapable of achieving your goal.
I have been there too. When I first got into the swirl of productivity, I was thrilled at the idea of getting everything organized, prioritized, and done.
But the truth is: productivity is not as great as it seems.
I’m not here to bash productivity. In fact, I’ve written long, detailed posts about productivity and motivation.
And I’m not here to pick a side between productivity and self care. Heck, these two are not mutually exclusive.
Everything needs a balance. Nothing is good when done excessively (otherwise it’s called an addiction).
Table of Contents
How to Use This Self-Care List

Distress feels worse than imagined
I’ve been writing for this blog for many months now. But now, things became more stressful.
I’ve signed up for classes, scheduled for writing posts every week, part-time jobs, and drawing assignments.
Honestly, I think I’m biting more than I could chew.
If you’re reading this post, that means you know what it feels like.
You’re either bombarded by too much work, or too many thoughts. Neither situation is healthy for you.
You can get through this, BUT in one condition…

It’s possible to pull yourself together in this abyss of distress.
But there’s one thing you need to do first.
It’s super simple, but many people failed to do this. That’s because they’re too used to their current lifestyle.
The thing is: to slow down.
But that’s impossible! Most people will say.
You live in a fast-paced life. Everything is in constant motion. You may have a deadline next week. Heck, you might be working right now, and just checking your phone to sneak a moment for escape.
The most crucial key to self-care is to slow down.
If you don’t slow down and just do whatever that’s listed in this post, then nothing will work for you.
You will only see this self-care list as another work to do, which completely destroys the point.
But exactly how do you slow down?
Take a deep breath, let your mind become empty

If you have urgent work at this moment, or a close deadline, I suggest that you bookmark this page for now.
Come back in the evening, or some time when you aren’t switching your eyes from this page and your work back and forth.
…Are you free now?
Good. Let’s begin!
Take a deep breath, and remember:
- You’re good enough.
- You’re safe now.
- You may have work, but the work is organized and noted down, so that you perfectly have enough time to finish them later.
- The world is suddenly slowed down and quiet…
- It is time for you to care for yourself.
The List 50+Self Care Ideas

Your mind is very busy during the day. It’s cluttered with all the things you need to remember, decisions you need to make, and willpower you need to generate.
Below are ways to calm your mind.
1. De-clutter your desk
Clearing your desk is like clearing your mind.
2. Take a walk by yourself
Walk on a quiet path, where you can organize your mind without distraction.
3. Learn a new skill
E.g. baking, drawing, musical instrument, etc.
4. Learn a new language
Choose one that you actually like, not because it’s more useful.
5. Make your bed
A made bed is a message of “you’re awake now!”

6. Uninstall useless apps
Too many apps can be a distraction to your mind. Uninstall apps that you only use once or twice a week.
7. Digital detox
How about limiting yourself to 2 hours a day?
8. Clear your wardrobe and donate old clothes
You can also make space for future clothes!
9. Create a music playlist
Ideas: study music, workout music, relax music, etc.
10. Play 1-2 hours of video games
Video games are great outlets for stress. Remember not to get addicted though!
11. Check all the items on your to-do list
The act of “checking” gives you satisfaction. You also feel much more relaxed knowing you have finished your work of the day.
12. Write a budget planner for your spending
You can have a much clearer idea of your spending. So that you don’t have to worry every time you pay for something.
13. Update your CV
Writing down your own accomplishment reminds you what you are capable of.
It also saves the time to write the CV from the beginning when you’re looking for work.
14. Practice forgiveness
Grudges often hurt your own feelings more than those you hold grudges for.
15. Write down your thoughts for the day
Or start a diary!

16. Drink at least 2L of water a day
Water helps detoxifying your body, as well as waking you up for the day!
17. Exercise
e.g. jogging, fast-walk, workout routine
18. Take a nap
Sometimes you just need to have a brief shut-eye. Remember not to stay in bed too long though, or your biological clock may get disrupted.
19. Exfoliate your skin
How about joining a glow-up challenge?
20. Have a healthy meal
Vegetables and fruits can be delicious! Try to eat more of them instead of processed food.
21. Drink tea/ coffee
My favorite! Enjoy a simple drink is a great pick-me-up.
22. Take a bath
Wash your body thoroughly, and maybe play around with a bath bomb to pamper yourself.
23. Sleep early and wake up early the next day
You can make sure to sleep for 7-9 hours at night. And waking up early is extremely motivating! (Speaking from my own experience)
24. Eat healthy snacks
e.g. unsalted nuts, fruits, unsweetened juice, yogurt, etc.
25. Look into the distance
Remember to rest your eyes! Especially when you stare into the screen/ paper for long periods of time.

26. Get a massage
From getting a shoulder massage from a family member, to visiting the spa, it’s your choice!
27. Stand up after each hour of sitting
Sitting feels relaxing. But after a long period, your tail bone may start to ache.
28. Do yoga
Yoga doesn’t only increase your flexibility, but also helps weight loss and muscle gain. It also increases your pain tolerance!
29. Do stretching
If you’re not interested in yoga, some stretching can do too!
30. Spend some time under the sun
Sunlight is healthy for your skin. Go get that vitamin D!

31. Start a gratitude journal
Write down 3-5 little things you’re grateful for daily. After a while, you can flip back the pages and see pages full of happy things in life.
32. Meditate
Just 5-10 mins can do for a beginner. Just one week of consistent meditation can positively improve your mood.
33. Read self improvement books
Or any self-help books. It’s perfectly normal to want to improve your well-being!
34. Listen to podcast
A great substitute for books if you don’t have enough time.

35. Practice mindfulness
Mindful eating, mindful walking, you name it. Mindfulness is an opportunity for you to slow down and enjoy small aspects of life.
36. Draw/ doodle about your mood
Drawing is a great outlet for your mood and creativity!
37. Track your habits with a journal
Developing healthy habits can boost your morale and health!
Some people give up because they don’t see their path in habit development, and are only doing their routines without reflection.
A journal, however, can help track down what you accomplished, as well as giving you data for reflection.

38. Write down your goals
More than 90% people don’t write down their goals. Those who do write, however, are much more likely to accomplish their goals in real life!
This is a cue for you to start!
39. Write a bucket list
Do you have things you want to do before 60? Write them all down!
40. Write about your fantasy
Even if you don’t intend to write a book, creative writing is a good habit for your mental and spiritual health.

41. Plan how to achieve your goal
Aside from writing down your goals, you can brainstorm ways of how to achieve them.
You can reach a destination in a hundred different ways. List them all out for you to choose!
42. Make time for your hobby
Perfect excuse for you to write your self-care schedule!
You can plan a weekend piano session, or go on a nightly jog. A hobby is never a waste of time.

43. Watch a sunrise
It’s a very sublime experience! Remember to go to bed early if you want to watch the sun rise!
44. Enjoy solitude
You may experience FOMO “Fear of Missing Out”, but it’s normal. Know that you aren’t missing out anything just by spending some time to care for yourself.
45. Simply cry
Don’t hold it in.

“…I think you’re supposed to ask ‘why’.”
46. Volunteer
Enjoy the feeling of helping others!
47. Hang out with friends
Even for introverts, getting in touch with people is necessary. If crowds are too much for you, just 1-2 friends are perfectly well.
48. Laugh out loud
Watch a “Try Not to Laugh” video, and then lose (you’re actually winning) the challenge!
49. Watch a movie with family
Time to watch that nostalgic Ghibli film again…
50. Reach out to a friend
Preferably someone you didn’t talk to for a while. Surprise them with a message!
51. Ask for help
It feels good to help people, the same goes for helping you.
52. Give gifts
You can experience the joy of giving by buying gifts for your friends, loved ones, or even strangers.
If you have time, you can even create hand-made gifts!
53. Bake cookies for friends, coworkers, or family
Cookies are too much to eat alone. Why not share it with the others?

54. Send a thank-you note
When I was in secondary school, I tried a few times to slip thank-you notes to my teachers’ shelves. I never knew their reactions because I never signed my name. But those times felt good.
55. Enjoy a meal with friends
Whether you want to hang out at a coffee shop, a restaurant, or a karaoke bar, you can talk to your friends and share your latest news with each other.
56. Deep talk with someone
For introverts, a big group of friends doesn’t sound as appealing. But that’s okay.
You can also find one friend or two to deep-talk. Personally, I really like sitting down with a cozy cushion and enjoy a warm cup of cocoa (or coffee?) while talking with friends.
57. Join a class.
Learn and socialize at the same time.
58. Say a compliment to a stranger
A shopkeep? A postman? A passersby? Say hi!
59. Try “Secret Santa”
It’s basically the Christmas version of “give gifts”. The bonus is that it’s a group game.
Hmm… who’s your Secret Santa? And has your target figured out you’re their Secret Santa?
60. Listen to someone
Do you have a friend who feels troubled? Try to lend an ear!

Let’s come back to the question: Why should you practice self-care?
Self-care is great for managing stress, as well as improving your confidence, self-esteem, motivation, and health (both mental and physical) in general.

It’s like folding a paper. It gets more crumpled the more you fold it.
The reason self-care is hard for some people (maybe for you too), is because the paper is folded for so long. Even when you try to open it, it still tries to fold back in.
That’s why I said this in the beginning: “slowing down” is the number 1 condition for these self-care ideas to be effective.
Imagine unfolding a crumpled paper ball and expect it to stay flat. It’s impossible!
So don’t worry about taking things slow.
Remember: you are good enough.
It’s time to take care of yourself.