Story Comic

dr glass studying coffee comic


In the city of Sage Haven, Grim Reader is newly employed librarian to the school Paper House. There, he met his old university friend Dr. Glass, who is working as a psychologist in the same institute. Of all things that can happen, he is roped into an investigation of the cause of a mass hysteria outbreak in the school. Along the way, they also explore the background of the Reveal movement, which aimed to introduce gasts to the human world, and discover the dark side of doing so.

Chapter 1
dr glass story comic chapter 0 prologue page 2

Side Story - Errand

Mini Comics

Mini Comic_Ch.1
dr glass and the crying serum comic 4
Mini Comic_Ch.4
dr glass and the crying serum comic 2
Mini Comic_Ch.2
dr glass and the crying serum comic
Mini Comic_Ch.5
dr glass and the crying serum comic 3
Mini Comic_Ch.3
dr glass comic 6 do you want to talk about it
Mini Comic_Ch.6

These little comics are the very original concepts of Dr. Glass, which is quite different to the graphic novel at the top of the page.

The initial idea was very simple and light-hearted. But after a while I decided to combine these characters to some other world-building concepts I’ve been thinking of for years.


Ink Comic Test

traditional ink comic test dr glass

This is a test of using the traditional comic drawing method. A bunch of “panels” is jumbled together to create this not-very-cohesive page. But the story is not really important here. 

I ‘m hoping to see what this art style can show; a little doujinshi-ish with grey-scale shading by Copic markers. You’ll notice that Dr. Glass, Grim Reader and little Donna all have both a close shot and a small shot. It’s to see what they’d look like with more/less details.

The result is interesting. But something in me still prefers colours.

29 Sep 2021

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