I met this young fellow from the office ground today. The campus is located in the countryside, so naturally one of their kin is bound to venture here from time to time.
“Hey. Hey, young man. May I have a word?
My name is Grim Reader.
Do not be deceived by the stable hum of the air-conditioners. These are dangerous grounds. I’d advise you to leave here. As soon as possible. This is no place for adventures.
I have witnessed one of your kin. One morning, she was crawling along the wall side. Naturally, I said hello. But I paid her no mind afterwards.
Not two hours later, I found her- flattened right under the doorframe. Each time that I passed her body, it was mutilated more and more. Until she was split into two, swept to the side of the corridor.
It was a shame. And a terrible sight.
So please. Leave now. Should harm befall you, there is nothing I can do.
If you insist, I cannot force you.
Then I will offer some advice, if you would listen. Stick to the walls. Or better yet, climb along them. Never stay on the ground. Danger will sweep you away like an invisible tornado, with absolutely no warning, whatsoever.
…That’s right. You should be safer here, even just a tiny bit.
It’s not my place to keep you too long. I shall bid you farewell, then. To a harbinger of fear and death, I pray for your safety. And success.”