Which artist doesn’t want to be a disciplined person? “Disciplined” as in- you can control your actions, and even attitudes completely. Without sudden impulses to do mundane things, to lie around aimlessly, and to procrastinate. Occasionally, out of nowhere, I would have episodes of tiredness. Not just any physical tiredness, but also a sense of […]
What is Creativity?
Anyone needs creativity. Otherwise, we’re robots. For an artist, especially, creativity is essential. Doesn’t matter whether it’s visual arts, music, or performance arts (and con art possibly?), we can’t escape from improvisation, creation… and many things that can’t be helped by simply building your memories. To know how to build our creativity, however, we need […]
How 8 Types of Introverts Do Art (Myers-Briggs Personality)
Even among introverts, we have different types. And different types of introverts may create different art. Below are the 8 types of introverts, detailed with the strengths and weaknesses in doing art, and some suggestions on what type of art you’re likely to be good at. Does it describe you correctly? Or are you a […]