Summary Unlike the movie version of this title, the book summarises many important concepts and the evolution history of physics. Specifically, the book focuses on the theories of the universe’s beginning. Does the universe expand forever? Does it expand and contract like a bouncing ball? Was there even a singularity like the Big Bang? Did […]
“The Laws of Human Nature” – Wisdom or Armchair Psychology?
Summary The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene is a self-improvement book with 18 chapters- each chapter detailing the an aspect of our social tendency. From narcissism and aggression, to sentimentality and compulsivity, Greene illustrates each with an interesting case study of historical figures. Then, the book provides insights on why we have these […]
A Message to a Thousand-Legged Hero
I met this young fellow from the office ground today. The campus is located in the countryside, so naturally one of their kin is bound to venture here from time to time. “Hey. Hey, young man. May I have a word? My name is Grim Reader. Do not be deceived by the stable hum of […]
See, the Best Writing Ideas Come from Dreams at 3AM
Do you sometimes wake up from a dream and think- oh that nightmare was terrible. How do other people stop thinking about them? Or, when they have a rather eventful dream but the alarm clock rang before you got to the “ending”, you wonder- now how do I get closure from this? Stupid alarm clock! […]
Searching the Best Writing Place at 3PM
I’ve been thinking about what writing place best fits my “writer’s mood”. There’s something I can relate to school children studying for exams: sometimes my own room makes me too drowsy to work properly. The absolute silence may be perfect for some, but I will be put into a “slacking mood”. So, I went to […]
Confronting the Worries of Writing with a Full-Time Job
A list of struggles of balancing writing and the need to deal with the nuance of a full-time job and the commutes between.