Do you sometimes wake up from a dream and think- oh that nightmare was terrible. How do other people stop thinking about them? Or, when they have a rather eventful dream but the alarm clock rang before you got to the “ending”, you wonder- now how do I get closure from this? Stupid alarm clock!
I’m not alone in this kind of experience, that much is certain. Those few moments immediately after awakening was so horrifying, yet during the middle of the day I privately kicked myself for getting scared of something so goofy.
Though call me a masochist, because I cannot let those dreams and nightmares leave my mind just yet.
My story-writing senses are too strong to resist, after all! And to pass up these “free ideas” coming from the middle of the night was criminal!
To both find closure of the nightmares and put these nightly inspirations to paper, I “continued the dream”, by expanding on the nightmare’s story and developing the characters.
One time, I woke up after trying to escape from an axe-wielding monstrosity in a spaceship (I’m not a sci-fi person, per se… why did I dream about it? Must be those Markliplier in Space episodes I’ve been watching).
Why was that maniac on the spaceship from the start? I wonder. His clothes were torn and dusty. Hmm… he must be a fugitive from a distant planet, wrongfully accused of a crime he didn’t commit. In order to survive and save his friends from captivity, he sneaked inside this spaceship.
And then, I believe I didn’t exactly witness any chopping action from that axe. He was just chasing us around, like any kids with a water gun. There was no hint any space crew had bled. Perhaps he didn’t plan on harming us at all!
What if he was indeed a child at heart? What if he merely wanted someone to talk to, and we- as shallow as to simply look at his hockey mask and deem him a maniac killer- deprived him of any bit of friendship he yearned for?
Ah, I even called him a maniac before, didn’t I? He must be so crestfallen to be judged so. But I don’t even have a chance to apologise, because I woke up! My body in the dream must be sucked into space, far away from this friend and shall never have a chance to meet again!

Oh dear, this is so sad. I must write this down in my notebook.